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Stan's blog / TED / Build and Surf an Origami Hang Glider on a Wave of Air
Build and Surf an Origami Hang Glider on a Wave of Air
30 April, 201230 April, 2012 0 comments TED TED

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Build and Surf an Origami Hang Glider on a Wave of Air (revised August 22, 2010)

Good News! I have completed (July 2011) instructions for foam gliders, which I think are much better for beginners: easier to adjust, lighter weight so you have more time to react, not affected by high humidity (makes paper limp). To check out foam gliders, go here.

Shortcut to the EZR Origami Hang Glider Pattern (PDF)

If you want to know more about the history of walkalong gliding, there is great new material, including interviews with the pioneers of walkalong flight.

Yikes! You are surfing a paper airplane on an invisible wave of air that you create with a piece of cardboard. With practice you learn how to levitate the origami hang glider using only your hands to create the wave. Check back soon to see foam gliders

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 1 Here are some still shots from the introductory video. If you would rather start walkalong gliding with an easier to build project, go here to the tumblewing instead.

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 2 Here are some still shots from Part 2, the construction video.


If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 3 Here are some still shots from Part 3, more construction.

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 4 Here are some still shots from Part 4, adjusting and flying. It is not clear in the video, but the center of gravity marks are only starting points. You can add tape if it stalls or cut off tape if it dives.

Part 5: Advanced Flying (with your hands)

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 5 Here are some still shots from Part 5, flying with only your hands

Here is a video that shows how our origami hand glider flies using the same principle as big hang gliders


Here is the SchoolTube equivalent

Here is a video about the Walkalong Glider History and New Directions. Here is some text explanation for the images.


Here is the SchoolTube equivalent

Finally, here is great clip from Scientific American Frontiers. The program was mostly about Dr. Paul MacCready, the inspiring pioneer of human powered flight. However, this was a segment about his son, Dr. Tyler MacCready, and his foam walkalong glider (commercially available, see YouTube text box). Also, check out this preview of excellent video (it won an Academy Award for best short documentary) about the making of the human- powered Gossamer Condor. You can see a teenage Tyler both test piloting the airplane and flying a walkalong glider.

How did the project go for you? Contact me

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