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Stan's blog / TED / Nick Hanauer- Inequality and Job Creators
Nick Hanauer- Inequality and Job Creators
21 May, 201221 May, 2012 0 comments TED TED

Until we escape the feedback loop of unsustainable consumerism... the reality is that job creation occurs when consumers spend money, not when robber barons amass wealth and invest in politicians and legislation to lower their taxes and favor their businesses. Endless exponential growth is a failed paradigm anyway, so why are we even arguing about the drivers of infinite consumption??

On another note, TED curator Chris Anderson is full of it in saying this was not censored, and that is "needlessly partisan" when the issue is ALL ABOUT PARTISANISM! Manipulation of perceptions is the game here, and shame on TED for not allowing an important perspective to be viewed. Anderson's excuse that the talk was rated as mediocre belies the standing ovation at the end of the video. Nick Hannauer

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