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January 16, 2011January 16, 2011  0 comments  Uncategorized

 From Prison To The Pulpit

One Man's Life-Changing Revelation


In his new book "Living In The Hope Of My Imagination" author William D. Simpson narrates a vivid first-hand account of the moral decline of American culture. Using his own experiences with verbal, physical and sexual abuse, Simpson illustrates how the resulting feeling of insignificance lead him and so many others into a life of despair.


 "I was abused as a child. Sexually molested and shamed. I was exposed to alcohol and drugs at a very early age. At the age of fourteen, I was sentenced to juvenile life in prison. After being released from prison, I was rejected by my family and the church, and my lifestyle reflected what I thought of other people and myself."


 "I hated people and I hated myself... [In prison], I was beaten and stabbed multiple times, I was homeless, ate out of dumpsters, I attempted suicide, I struggled inwardly with the influence of what happened in my past, had a lifelong alcohol and drug dependence, I had no hope..."


Simpson is candid with his observations, and believes that the decisions people have been intentionally influenced to make, has determined the lifestyles they live. And only after coming to his end, did he realize that there was only one place left to turn. Simpson began to study the Bible in order to try and find meaning through the experiences of his life, and this is when he experienced a "life changing revelation".


 "...When I had come to my end, God revealed Himself in a way that I could no longer deny His existence and the good news of the Gospel became relevant to me as its message transformed my life."


 The Systematic Removal Of America's Moral Conscience - By Church And By State

As the Gospel began to unfold before him, Simpson came to realize that his own relentless exposure to the amoral was thanks in large part to a societal pandemic that was systematically stripping America of its moral conscience. In more than twenty years of work experience in the restaurant/bar industry among Washington D.C. elites, Simpson witnessed firsthand the disregard elected representatives have for the American people.


 "The focus of my book is to expose what the United States government has done through the intentional dumbing-down of the American people, to lead us to an ideology that a fascists government is the answer to all of our problems, and an even more critical observation of what today's seeker-friendly evangelical church has not done to expose this reality, thus the culture we have become."


"I know why you feel the way you do, what you think of yourself and the lie you are living... A naïve person can be fooled but when I look at someone who knows pain, your life is an open book. I see it in the faces of people every day. I hear it in the words you say and I can smell it on you."



"The irrefutable evidence of hopelessness, and having no knowledge of how to put their lives back together again, is the amoral conscience of the American people today." 


The Business Of Evangelical Christianity

According to Simpson, the majority of Evangelical Churches today have forsaken the teachings of biblical doctrine and have instead embraced the secular psychology propagated by the U.S. government through both education and special-interest legislation. In so doing, church leaders have allowed every type of worldly influence to infiltrate their thinking. The result? The church presents to its congregations and the world, a false message of health, wealth and self-esteem as opposed to the true meaning of the Gospel.


Moral-Relativism Has No Defense

"It's my intent to challenge the way you think and the witness of your life's expression. If I can overcome a lifetime of anger, substance abuse and regret, to finally realize what I had always imagined life could be like, there is no excuse for you. You can argue with me in disagreement to try to justify why you live the way you do, but the evidence of my life's transformation and the depth of my conviction is greater than the weakness and the compromise that has defined yours!"


A Challenging Read, "Living In The Hope Of My Imagination" is a journey away from ignorance and compromise and towards the discovery of who God created each person to be.


 "What you do with your life's experience reveals true character and this is what defines who you are. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine that I could be so at peace, and of all things, be a published author. Don't allow life to rob you of the song your life's witness is meant to sing."


"And should you choose to read my book, I hope that what I've written gives you pause for thought."



All media interested in obtaining review copy of book, or to arrange an interview with author, please contact publiicist.

Shannon E. Flynn


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"Where sin abounds, grace abounded much more"
Rom. 5:20