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7 October, 20127 October, 2012 1 comments HD Video HD Video

Where Do 53% of Our Tax Dollars Go?

TagsTags: war money 
17 October, 201117 October, 2011 0 comments HD Video HD Video

Right now, unmanned aerial drones are in the skies over Iraq and Afghanistan. We have robots that can open fire without human guidance. Some are disturbingly lifelike. Others, like the cyborg beetle, are actually alive. Robots will fight the wars of the future. What does this mean for us?

HUNGRY BEAST speaks with Peter Singer, author of Wired For War, former advisor to Barack Obama about the 'Robot Revolution'.

TagsTags: robot wars 
17 October, 201117 October, 2011 0 comments HD Video HD Video

Just Entertainment

TagsTags: fun 
17 October, 201117 October, 2011 0 comments HD Video HD Video

Contrary to Pope Benedict's assertion that the immorality of modern society is to blame for sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests, the church's own historical documents reveal that sexual abuse has been a problem that the Catholic Church has failed to properly deal with since its earliest days. The Church's first official document referring to the problem of sexual abusing children was in the year 60 AD. All of the documents referred to in this piece are real and have been fact checked.

TagsTags: catholic scandals 
17 October, 201117 October, 2011 0 comments HD Video HD Video

In June last year, a computer virus called Stuxnet was discovered lurking in the data banks of power plants, traffic control systems and factories around the world.

Pandora's box has been opened; on the new battlefield the aggressors are anonymous, the shots are fired without starting wars and the foot soldiers can pull their triggers without leaving their desks.

Last week the United States government announced they would retaliate to a cyber-attack with conventional force. The threat is real, and the age in which a computer bug could cost lives has begun.

Posts: 5
Comments: 1
themed around specific issues facing the world today, such as Secrets, Captivity, Waste, Faking It and Download.
1 robot (1)
1 wars (1)
1 war (1)
1 money (1)
1 fun (1)
1 scandals (1)
1 stuxnet (1)
1 catholic (1)
1 virus (1)


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Gold there is, and rubies in abundance,
but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel,
Proverbs 20:15