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October 29, 2010October 29, 2010  0 comments  Uncategorized

According to a new study that looked into brain injuries in middle and elementary school students shows that the number of Emergency Room visits for children in sports has doubled this decade.




The study looked into 100 hospitals that had a 24-hour emergency room and researchers analyzed the surveillance. According to officials in the survey, the number of children, ages 8-13, that participated in a 5-team sport, and went to the hospital for a concussion went from 3,800 to 8,000 between 1997 to 2007.




The age group of 14-19 went from 7,000 to 22,000 during



the same time frame. Brains that undergo multiple concussions are at risk of cognitive loss and other issues in the future.




If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, contact the a brain injury lawyers or Christian personal injury lawyer today.


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There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein